

Question by  kittytre1 (69)

What are some good ideas for spooky Halloween cakes?


Answer by  catman529 (809)

Put your Jack O Lantern in the oven and roast him. When his meat is soft, scoop it out and use it in a pumpkin cake recipe, and decorate however you think will work.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Make a chocolate sheet cake. Frost with dark chocolate. Buy a variety of Halloween spooky small decorations, grave markers, skeletons, candy cob webs and go to town. Use your imagination.


Answer by  Kris (797)

How about a disgusting eyeball cake? Use a stainless steel mixing bowl to bake a dome shape. Frost with white, add a colored iris, a black pupil, and red veins.


Answer by  lpark0 (38)

For a spider cake, bake a cake for the body, frost with black frosting,sprinkle black jimmies (as hair),then use gumdrops as eyes and thick black licorice as legs.


Answer by  L (134)

You can try doing a graveyard scene for a spooky Halloween cake. Make little tombstones, ghosts made out of marshmallows and use gray icing for a creepy effect.


Answer by  maggie711 (285)

Start with bundtcake on serving platter, fill center fole with gummy worms, frost with black frosting. Be sure to serve worms with each slice.

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